
Catalogue of fireworks and equipment

#23096 SHELL 6.0"
Gold wave to red
Price, FOB: 77.67$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 8.63$
per shot: 8.63$
#23095 SHELL 6.0"
Red peony with coconut pistil rise tail
Price, FOB: 79.99$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 8.89$
per shot: 8.89$
#23088 SHELL 6.0"
Flower crown with blue pistil
Price, FOB: 85.62$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 9.51$
per shot: 9.51$
#23098 SHELL 6.0"
Silver coconut rise tail
Price, FOB: 89.43$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 9.94$
per shot: 9.94$
#23069 SHELL 5.0"
Chrys to sakura with sakura pistil
Price, FOB: 117.59$
Packing: 24/1
per item: 4.90$
per shot: 4.90$
#23067 SHELL 5.0"
Brocade crown to green willow green ring
Price, FOB: 118.42$
Packing: 24/1
per item: 4.93$
per shot: 4.93$
#23070 SHELL 5.0"
Green peony with time rain pistil rise tail
Price, FOB: 125.87$
Packing: 24/1
per item: 5.24$
per shot: 5.24$
#23078 SHELL 6.0"
Gold coconut bloom purple flower rise gold tail
Price, FOB: 74.53$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 8.28$
per shot: 8.28$
#23081 SHELL 6.0"
Green peony with coconut pistil rise tail
Price, FOB: 74.53$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 8.28$
per shot: 8.28$
#23085 SHELL 6.0"
Silver crown
Price, FOB: 74.53$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 8.28$
per shot: 8.28$
#23080 SHELL 6.0"
Blue jellyfish
Price, FOB: 77.67$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 8.63$
per shot: 8.63$
#23086 SHELL 6.0"
Spit white strobe
Price, FOB: 77.67$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 8.63$
per shot: 8.63$
#23083 SHELL 6.0"
Green wave to time rain
Price, FOB: 77.67$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 8.63$
per shot: 8.63$
#23092 SHELL 6.0"
Red to green to silver
Price, FOB: 77.67$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 8.63$
per shot: 8.63$
#23090 SHELL 6.0"
Special green strobe
Price, FOB: 77.67$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 8.63$
per shot: 8.63$
#23079 SHELL 6.0"
Special red strobe
Price, FOB: 81.98$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 9.11$
per shot: 9.11$
#23094 SHELL 6.0"
Red chrys with coconut pistil green strobe pistil
Price, FOB: 85.62$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 9.51$
per shot: 9.51$
#23093 SHELL 6.0"
Red chrys with coconut pistil and green strobe pistil
Price, FOB: 85.62$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 9.51$
per shot: 9.51$
#23084 SHELL 6.0"
Gold strobe with red green octagon chrys
Price, FOB: 89.43$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 9.94$
per shot: 9.94$
#23091 SHELL 6.0"
Brocade crown with green strobe pistil rise gold tail
Price, FOB: 101.03$
Packing: 9/1
per item: 11.23$
per shot: 11.23$
#23060 SHELL 5.0"
Red crossette ring with white strobe pistil
Price, FOB: 108.48$
Packing: 24/1
per item: 4.52$
per shot: 4.52$
#23061 SHELL 5.0"
Blood red with white strobe pistil
Price, FOB: 108.48$
Packing: 24/1
per item: 4.52$
per shot: 4.52$
#23059 SHELL 5.0"
Special green strobe
Price, FOB: 108.48$
Packing: 24/1
per item: 4.52$
per shot: 4.52$
#23053 SHELL 4.0"
Silver crown
Price, FOB: 110.30$
Packing: 36/1
per item: 3.06$
per shot: 3.06$